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The Mountain Fund News

Her Farm founder to receive award

Sunita Sharma MacLennan

Her Farm founder to receive award

09 August 2017

Sunita Sharma MacLennan of Her Farm Nepal and the Global Mountain Fund will receive our Global Citizen Award in Community Service at the 2017 Global Citizen Awards Gala on Saturday, September 9 at the Embassy Suites in Downtown Oklahoma City.

2 years after the Nepal earthquakes

earthquake in nepal

2 years after the Nepal earthquakes

05 May 2017

Dear Donor, Supporter and Friend. 

It's been 2 years since Nepal was devasted by a series of large earthquakes. Please take a moment to read our report on all we've done in response to those quakes with your support and assistance. 

Thank you. 

Nepal - 2 years more

Her Farm Films, teaching media skills to women in Nepal

Her Farm Films

Her Farm Films, teaching media skills to women in Nepal

14 April 2016

How do you empower women? Put them in power. Sound too simple? Her Farm is a 100% woman owned and operated farm. Mountain Volunteer, our volunteer program is managed by women. Her Farm Films will be another woman-managed program that will put women in charge of the messages in the media about women. more

Water Restored to the Village


Water Restored to the Village

06 February 2016

The quakes in Nepal caused the water supply in Mankhu village to drop by over 50%.  People were optomistic that after the monsoons the water supply would return but it did not. As a farm community in the hilly country of Nepal water for irrigation of crops and livestock is crucial. Months after more

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