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Medical School Gives Checkup to OGN

Medical School Gives Checkup to OGN

Orchid Garden Medical Camp
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25 February 2012

Rocky Vista Medical College, from Parker, Colorado paid a visit to Orchid Garden Nepal this month. A group of nine, third and foruth year students and their professors gave complete physical exams to all 140 children over the course of two days.  With one or two exceptions, the children were in good health.  The few who have some medical needs will be referred to a hospital and you'd like to contribute something for their hospital bill, please make a general donation here

Following our outing to Orchid Garden, the team from Rocky Vista went to Koseli School and gave all 104 children there the same comprehensive medical evaluations. With one or two exceptions, the children of Koseli were also in good health.  The few who have some medical needs will be referred to a hospital and you'd like to contribute something for their hospital bill, please make a general donation here

Finally, we took this intrepid group to Kumari Village in the Nuwokot District where we held a two day medical camp for the village during which we gave care to well over 300 patients. Kudo's to the Rocky Vista team for all their hard work and help in Nepal. 

If your school or medical group would like to have an experience like this, please contact

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